4 Ways to Remove a Tree
There are a lot of reasons you may want to remove a tree from your property. Maybe you have expanded your lawn or meadow area and it no longer looks good where it is. Maybe it’s an invasive tree species and you’re worried about it multiplying and taking over. Maybe you’re clearing a trail through your woods. Whatever the case, there are a lot of ways to remove a tree. For large trees, those over about 8 inches in diameter, you may need a tree removal service. But for trees about 8 inches around or less, here are 4 great do-it-yourself tree removal alternatives:
1. Cut it down with a chainsaw
The most obvious way to clear an unwanted tree is to use your trusty chainsaw. This is a good option if you have just one or two trees and they’re largely branchless down near the ground. Still, though, it can be dangerous to use a chainsaw close to the ground and will take its toll on your back to do a whole bunch of trees at once. And, to truly remove it for good, you’ll need to dig out the root system, which can be a hassle.
2. Use a tree shear.
For trees that have a lot of branches close to the ground, such as mesquite and small evergreen trees, a tree shear that mounts to your ATV or UTV is an easy solution. A tree shear allows you to drive a set of blades into a tree, shearing it off flush to the ground. It’s especially great if you have large areas of trees to remove.
3. Pull it out by its roots.
Tools such as the Brush Grubber let you pull small trees out by their roots – meaning that they will never regrow and there’s remaining stump. They consist of metal jaws with heavy-duty spikes that clamp onto the tree’s base. Then a chain is attached to your towing vehicle, such as your truck or tractor. By simply driving forward, you can easily uproot trees up to 8″ in diameter (depending on the model you choose).
4. Mow it down.
For removing saplings and small trees up to 3″ in diameter, you can’t beat the raw power of a brush mower. With one of these beasts at your command, you can clear huge areas of thick weeds and grasses, including pesky saplings, in no time. Plus, they largely chop up the downed tree, leaving it to mulch the ground around it and saving you the trouble of dragging it away.
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