The new DR PILOT Leaf and Lawn Vacuum

Introducing the NEW DR Pilot Leaf Vac!

We are thrilled to announce—just in time for fall leaf season—an all-new model DR Leaf and Lawn Vacuum. The DR PILOT™ Leaf and Lawn Vacuum, now available at our lowest price ever $999.99! DR PILOT™ Features The PILOT™ model features all the same industry-leading vacuum power as our current machines (the PREMIER, PRO and PRO-XL models),… Read More

The European Woodlot

If you’ve seen any of our literature about the DR Field and Brush Mower, you may have read about how great the DR is for creating “European woodlots.” We started using this term many years ago when we first began offering the Field and Brush Mower, and we’re still using it today. However, through the… Read More

Bird - Goldfinch

Feeding Birds is Fun!

Feeding birds is fun! There’s nothing quite like the feeling of spotting a new or rare bird, perched at the feeder. Bird feeding also helps sustain our feathered friends when snow and ice may make foraging impossible.  If you are a novice to bird feeding, you may want to get a book, such as A… Read More

Cleaning Gutter

Get Your Mind in the Gutter!

Avoid costly damage with a quick cleaning of your gutters. Once the autumn leaves have fallen don’t forget to check your gutters. If you haven’t checked them in a while you’ll find that they might be growing moss or even grass. At the very least, they’ll probably be full of leaves that in time can block… Read More

Winterizing Your Landscape

There is so much to love about winter.  Walking to the shed and hearing the crunch of frost underfoot. Feeling the rush of blood back into our cheeks when we re-enter the house. The aroma of cinnamon and apples. The pleasant crackle of a fire.  There is also much to be done to prepare for… Read More

Banish Potholes!

Potholes can get bigger and deeper over the winter if you don’t address the problem now. If you have a dirt or gravel driveway, you know that potholes can be a jarring experience. Before winter sets in, follow these simple driveway maintenance steps to fix existing potholes and keep new ones from forming. Potholes are… Read More