Dr Edger

Which Edger is Right for me?

A steel-bladed lawn edger is a professional tool for creating sharp, clean edges along walkways, garden borders, around trees. Plus anywhere else on your property where you want the precision of a well-defined cut. Professional edging defines these areas crisply and goes after the roots which, with most other edging techniques, are left unmolested and… Read More

The new DR PILOT Leaf and Lawn Vacuum

Introducing the NEW DR Pilot Leaf Vac!

We are thrilled to announce—just in time for fall leaf season—an all-new model DR Leaf and Lawn Vacuum. The DR PILOT™ Leaf and Lawn Vacuum, now available at our lowest price ever $999.99! DR PILOT™ Features The PILOT™ model features all the same industry-leading vacuum power as our current machines (the PREMIER, PRO and PRO-XL models),… Read More

3 Smart Ways to Prevent Lawn Mushrooms

Virtually everywhere in the US, and particularly in the wettest regions, lawns can easily become dotted with lawn mushrooms. These pests are not only unbecoming to an otherwise pristine lawn, but can be very harmful to children and pets because eating them is, in most cases, extremely toxic. You can’t keep mushroom spores from flying into your… Read More