Dr Edger

Which Edger is Right for me?

A steel-bladed lawn edger is a professional tool for creating sharp, clean edges along walkways, garden borders, around trees. Plus anywhere else on your property where you want the precision of a well-defined cut. Professional edging defines these areas crisply and goes after the roots which, with most other edging techniques, are left unmolested and… Read More

Which DR Pressure Washer is best for you?

Which DR Pressure Washer is best for you? Pressure washers are the perfect pieces of equipment for all sorts of cleaning jobs around your home. Whether you’re in the market for a small, light duty pressure washer or a professional grade pressure washer to help with heavy chores, there are some basic features worth considering… Read More

Life at DR: Roundup Day!

Here at DR® Power, we’re proud of being a great place to work! It’s all about having fun and one way we have fun is with our DR Roundup. At least once a year we get everyone up out of their chairs, and out in the field, so they can use the awesome equipment that… Read More

DR Introduces NEW Stump Grinder!

We have recently announced a new addition to our Stump Grinder lineup! The new 16.5 ft-lb. DR® Pro-XL Stump Grinder is the most powerful model in the line, allowing homeowners to grind away large, tough hardwood stumps even more quickly and easily. In just minutes, it transforms any stump into woodchips – gone forever! Plus, the… Read More

Who invented the string trimmer?

Sometimes inspiration strikes when you least expect it. Such was the case with the invention of the string trimmer. George Ballas was meticulous about lawn care, and was always frustrated about not being able to trim right up close to rocks and fences. In 1971, the Houston, TX man was driving through a carwash when… Read More

What Can a DR Warranty Do for You?

When you choose to purchase a DR machine, you know that you are investing in a quality piece of equipment that will last you for years and years.  Heck, there are DR Trimmer Mowers from the 1980’s that are still running strong. (Field and Brush Mowers, too!)  We have a great two year warranty that… Read More