How Many Seasons is a Brush Mower Good For?
A brush mower, sometimes called a brush hog, is a specialized type of lawn mower that is super-powered to handle thick foliage and undergrowth, like thick weeds, brush, and even small trees. An expensive piece of equipment, many consumers might worry about how much use they can really get out of the machine and might wonder how many seasons the brush mower is good for. Depending on what you purchase, though, you can find that a brush mower can be a very versatile machine and useful in all four seasons.
Spring and Summer
A quality brush mower will accept various attachments that make it useful throughout the year. In the spring and summer, a brush deck is useful for clearing fields of high weeds and even
2-1/2 inch thick saplings without bogging down. A good brush mower will take down weeds and brush upto 8 feet tall, grass up to 6 feet tall, and the saplings we mentioned earlier.
For your normal grass-cutting needs after you’ve cleared the field, many brush cutters offer optional lawn decks, often up to 42” wide. This makes your brush cutter useful not just for clearing the fields and overgrowth, but also for keeping it cleared and tidy.
In addition, in the spring or summer, you might find yourself needing to level out some dirt or gravel. The brush mower can come to the rescue here, too, with its grader attachment. You can make quick work of spreading gravel or leveling your soil with this attachment, which can fit nicely onto your brush mower.
In the fall, we start to think about yard-clean up from putting your garden to bed, cleaning up the fallen tree branches and woody debris in a wooded area. But how can a brush mower help with this? You might also find that your brush mower accepts a wood chipper attachment, for getting rid of garden waste, branches and tree limbs that you’ve cut down at the beginning or end of fall.
But what about winter? Surely the brush mower will sit idle during the winter months, right? Wrong! Many brush mowers also accept snowplow or snow thrower attachments, which means you can use your brush hog in the winter months, too, when Old Man Winter decides to dump the white beauty on you that does such a wonderful job of trapping your car.
As we can see, a quality brush mower can actually be several machines in one. The machine might be an expensive investment, but when you factor in the multiple uses you can get out of it—brush mower, lawn mower, wood chipper, grader, snow thrower, and snow plow—you can easily find that you’re saving money (and maintenance costs) by having one machine with multiple attachments. You can easily find yourself using your brush mower year-round, which makes it a sound investment. If you are ready to start shopping for a brush mower, be sure to check out our selection below.
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