How to Choose Best Chainsaw for You

A chainsaw is a cost-effective and time saving tool for wood cutting. Owning a chainsaw allows you to skip the rental shops and expensive contractors and use your machine on your own terms. By spending a little time upfront, you can find the chainsaw that fits your needs exactly and become an expert on how… Read More

Top 5 Pressure Washer Projects

Thanks to its incredible versatility, a pressure washer is one of the best pieces of cleaning equipment you can buy. Not only can the powerful machine handle all sorts of everyday household tasks on its own, but add into the equation the huge selection of pressure washer accessories available and you’ve got yourself an all-round… Read More

4 Ways to Beat Buckthorn

In over half of the United States, invasive buckthorn is a huge problem for those with large properties. These woody shrubs spread like wildfire, as birds love to eat their berries and “distribute” the seeds far and wide. In no time, buckthorn bushes can take over an open field or meadow and render it useless.… Read More

15-Minute Bush Removal

It’s the season for autumn chores. There are more chores than you have time to complete, so time-saving techniques are a must. Perhaps you have a bush or two around your property scheduled for removal. You are dreading the long process of trimming away all the branches and digging up the roots. It is a… Read More

Equestrian Arena Footing Maintenance: Arena Drag Comparison (Part 2/2)

Chris Diaz and his wife Verena own and manage Pferdehof Dressage, an equestrian facility in Berthoud, Colorado. They have years of experience maintaining professional riding arenas. Read part 1 of this article here. There is no “one size fits all” approach to arena footing maintenance. Each arena drag has its own specific characteristics that make it more… Read More

Equestrian Arena Footing Maintenance (Part 1/2)

Chris Diaz and his wife Verena own and manage Pferdehof Dressage, an equestrian facility in Berthoud, Colorado. They have years of experience maintaining professional riding arenas. Ask any equestrian and they will passionately tell you that maintaining proper arena footing is of utmost importance. Uneven footing is a leading cause of injuries for sport horses. In order… Read More

3 Smart Ways to Prevent Lawn Mushrooms

Virtually everywhere in the US, and particularly in the wettest regions, lawns can easily become dotted with lawn mushrooms. These pests are not only unbecoming to an otherwise pristine lawn, but can be very harmful to children and pets because eating them is, in most cases, extremely toxic. You can’t keep mushroom spores from flying into your… Read More