Manufacturing Day at DR!

Last Friday was a pretty exciting day here at DR headquarters, because it was the second annual Manufacturing Day. And as a company that builds its own machines right here in Vermont, we were very happy to be a part of it! Manufacturing Day is a nationwide event that aims to raise awareness about the… Read More

Engineering the DR Trimmer Mower

Several decades ago, DR was the first company to engineer a walk-behind trimmer on wheels — the DR Trimmer Mower.  Today, five DR Trimmer Mower generations later, we still put the same level of care into engineering and building these innovative machines.  We caught up with DR Trimmer Mower engineer Erin L. to talk about… Read More

Inside DR Product Testing

Here at DR, we take pride in sending our customers only the best of the best in outdoor power equipment.  And how do we know that what we send you is the best of the best?  We test it!  All our machines are tested for at least 100 hours each before the design is finalized.… Read More