1. Gather sticks for chipping first.
Start by gathering all the sticks that need to be chipped. This will keep you from having to stop and get off your lawn tractor to collect and chip them as you ride. Chip the ones that are 2″ in diameter or smaller (or whatever size your vacuum’s chipper can handle). Either load the larger ones into the collection box of the vacuum, or set them aside to use as firewood.
2. Practice maneuvering the machine.
The first couple times you use your lawn vacuum, you may find it difficult to take corners and go in reverse. We recommend you practice a bit in first gear before you tackle your lawn for the first time. Drive your leaf vacuum into the corner of your property and back out straight to mow as close to the corner as possible. Be sure to stay away from fences when you want to turn, as the back will swing wide during a turn. Avoid going through ditches.
3. Vacuum with the discharge side toward the leaves.
4. Vacuum when the grass is short and dry.
You’ll get the best results if you vacuum your lawn when it is dry and when the grass is 2″ long or less.
5. Maximize lift from your lawn deck.
Run your lawn tractor at full throttle all the time to maximize the lift from your lawn deck and assist your lawn vacuum system.
6. Avoid obstacles.
Avoid dragging the inlet hose over curbs, stonewalls, or piles of cut branches. The hose on the DR Leaf and Lawn Vacuum is tough, but can be punctured on sharp objects.