- Poor circulation won’t allow debris to burn completely
- Hazardous flying embers
- They’re cumbersome to move
- Barrels rust and become real eyesores!
A hands-down better and — more importantly — safer solution is the DR BurnCage. The BurnCage contains all your burnables in a stainless steel cage with perforated sides and lid. The holes allow for maximum airflow, which makes fires easy to light and ensures they stay lit.
The most important thing to remember when burning in your backyard is safety. The last thing you want is fire spreading to your lawn or house.
Firstly, always check with your local government to ensure that burning on your property is legal and if you need a permit. If you’re in the clear, check on local regulations regarding how far away from trees and structures you need to be, as well as what materials are legal to burn and which are prohibited. Then, follow the easy instructions in your BurnCage and watch your burnable waste disappear!